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"Imaging living your life, surviving..."

Imagine wandering through life, surviving, and then one day you just know that can't be all there is to life. That was me several years ago. I didn't always love my life but it certainly was full of growth that led to change. Like me, you've probably gone through a lot already, but in the depths of you, you know there's more. Changing professions was scary but suddenly there was no more time to waste. I knew, the moment I sat down to write, I was doing something glorious, something that nourished every part of me.

An Inside story

As an introverted, shy and empathic child, I didn't feel safe but didn't know why. I did what any girl named Alice would do. I packed away the real me somewhere in a deep rabbit hole and became a champion chameleon who behaved and modeled back what I thought people wanted to see. I became so adept at hiding myself, I even forgot who the real me was, too.


A good portion of my life was finding and remembering who I was. To do that, I tried 14 professions like I was trying on suits searching for the right fit. I was a hard worker so I made enough money to survive but I knew there was more. I yearned to be who I was born to be. I wanted to thrive.


Today, I no longer hide. I don't need to try suits or professions to find my purpose, and am thriving in a way I couldn't have imagined. My first book chronicles the up and downs, rabbit holes, and dreams on my way back to wholeness. 


I used to read and collect design magazines when I worked as a designer's assistant, home stager, and realtor. I had boxes of them so I decided to look at all of them and cut out the words and pictures I loved. By the time I got through all of them, I had created four montages. Years later I was surprised they happened to mirror four stages I was very familiar with: 1. Compulsion to find my path in life  2. Wading, lost, in Primordial Soup  3. Anger, Passion, Release and Birth of Integrated Self  4. Seeing the Future as the Present, and Wholeness


Montage, the integration process starts as the artists begin.

MINDSIGHT compelled to create.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken

An exuberant figure dances in the courtyard. The artists begin.


Montage, the agony of being transformed. Text is "lifework--forged into Art.


Montage, birth of the new, letting go of the old

AMORPHOUS without a clearly defined shape or form.

Agony in a primordial soup, roots cut, trapped under frozen ice, squinting through thick glass, watching, tense, waiting

to be forged & transformed.


Montage, Integration of Self and expansion. Text is "no limits in Space".

VEDENDO seeing is here.

The color purple, the energy and strength of red with the spirituality of indigo, balancing physical and spiritual. The promised future in shades of golden yellow, instilling optimism.


the color of fire & extremes.

of passion, celebration, seduction, violence, danger, anger, adventure, and birth.



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