This sunrise had my full attention on my morning walk. It's amazing I can start as the sun rises and by the end of it, daylight is in full force. I saw a couple out on the flats stop and watch a heron fly by. They resumed their activities and laughter echoed across the bay.
A loud gaggle of Canadian geese flew above the tree line on their way to the pond. Their honking sounded purposeful and happy like they were greeting old friends they hadn't seen in awhile. It took me back to my childhood in rural Saskatchewan and made my heart sing. So many changes have taken place over the past 17 years since I began the excavation work to find all the pieces of me I'd hidden. Actually, my first lucid dream was 31 years ago and one that would foreshadow my path for the rest of my life.
On this day, as I walked, I cast my mind back to how I'd discovered the most important step of my life. It was as real as the sunrise and became the foundation for inside growth unlocking incredible changes. That step was reconnecting with my soul. Mine had been deliberately locked away for a long time after I hid every part of myself from everyone and, eventually, even myself.
Everybody has a soul. If you're breathing you have one, but when was the last time you paid attention to it, the last time you listened to it, and the last time you responded to it's direction? Living a soul-led life supports us as we choose how we act and how we talk about ourselves and others. We trust our souls to give us wise counsel. It sustains our faith that when we ask it questions, we will get the answers we need not what we expect. It teaches us to be aware of our thoughts, attitudes or judgments we all still have, and opens our minds to look at them with awareness for healing, understanding and changing. At no one time is the process complete; we are a moment by moment work in progress. At the same time, with every breath we take, we are always enough and a part of the ebb and flow in the cosmic web of human life.
Light punctuates our seasons. I spoke with a person today who said the season as it changes is what he likes best. Our days and nights grow longer and shorter, the temperature gets colder and hotter. With the changing seasons we submit to what each season brings. So it is with the light. We choose to reconnect with our souls and, in choosing, we submit our mind's dominance to be enlightened by our soul. No longer can our mind claim she is the Queen and our lives be subject to the rule of our minds alone.
I chose to submit to my soul's direction and counsel, because my soul knows what wanted to be brought to the world and its inhabitants through me. It was precisely this reason I felt that urge, that yearning to be my authentic self and bring my mission to others with inspired passion. Our souls are whispering to all of us to remember.
“Particles of our light sparkle with every choice we make, every idea we have, every gift of love we share. We are living sparklers setting off eternal flames, reigniting another person’s weakening ability to love or to try again, or to get up and walk another step. There is no such thing as a small spark.”
Myss, Caroline. Intimate Conversations with the Divine (p. 5). Hay House. Kindle Edition.
There are seeds of light in everyone's soul ready to "sparkle with every choice we make". When I walk in nature, I walk with the intent of seeing something that resonates with me like this glorious mornings sunrise and the winding stream reflecting the light. Just as easily a leaf might be a radiant colour, a bird is extra shiny, a tree seems to call to me. Noticing helped me see more intuitively. It helps us see light in other living things and nudges our own light to grow. Meditating, practicing gratitude, mindfulness, spending time in nature, breathing slowly and deeply, eating nourishing food, doing yoga, or Tai chi are all ways to nourish and grow the light in your soul. Nourishing and growing one part of us will also nourish all the other parts of us as we are interconnected and form a whole being that is us.
We can get to know our soul. Ask it a question and then listen with your heart and your intuition. Write your question down with the date and also record the answer you receive and that date. You'll be surprised. If you don't get an answer right away, wait and don't worry. I've asked questions many times and received answers in unexpected ways sometimes days, weeks, and months later. The answer always came when I was ready and they always expanded my understanding.
You may have heard of light bearers, light beings and light language. Light bearers are called to do their work, whatever they've chosen to do, with the intent to raise and expand consciousness, or spread light. There is no work less important than another's. A mom or dad who pauses to listen to their child in a way they feel heard is not less important than a leader who speaks their light so radiantly that millions of lives are uplifted. We each have our own path and being that path is what fulfills us and makes us truly happy.
Light beings can be angels, archangels, or beings not living on this world. I've seen very tall shining beings in my visions, but I don't know who they are yet. If it's important I know who these being are, my soul will respond with an answer. Knowledge is wonderful but wisdom is the better teacher.
Light language is emerging into the spiritual main stream as a language of the soul. The person speaking is channeling messages or codes to assist in expanding the listener's consciousness. Everyone can learn it through practice, although it seems to just appear naturally to some. I've received positive benefits from those speaking their light language over the last few months. It reminds me of those who were 'speaking in tongues' during my 'born again' days. Sometimes light language can be interpreted and other times it is used for expansion and healing. Light language helps reveal a truth or impart knowledge without going through our minds. It's received directly through our soul or by feeling, knowing or our higher self.
This light in my soul today and every day is as real as my morning walk and the sunlight reflecting its rays on everything it touches. Being a spark of light doesn’t always mean feeling good or always feeling good energy either. We have seeds of light inside us, the light of our soul, and it’s incumbent upon each of us to nurture these seeds of light. As in dark and murky times, glorious innovative and creative times throughout the past and present, we are being summoned to light-up and shine, igniting our spark so we can reignite others always remembering that "there is no such thing as a small spark."