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The Exceptional Planner

Have you ever planned an event or vacation and needed a vacation to recoup from planning? This post is about a vacation planner and has a little different slant on who they are and what they do.

In my experience, there are those who seem to be born planners and those who just do the job. The planners I’m talking about are the born planners. They’re detail-oriented and are able to see the finished big picture, too. When changes occur at the last minute and affect previously carefully laid out details, this planner remains calm and has the creativity to find other solutions. This planner revels in bringing people’s visions to fruition from that glimpse of a dream to stepping into their adventure.

I admire their ability to stay the course through thick and thin. They seem to pivot, and come up with alternate solutions effortlessly. No sweat on their brows. Whew, that’s not me! We’ve been planning a long-awaited trip to San Antonio to visit Chris’ 91 year-old father, his wife plus as many family members as possible. The stress and worry of logistics nearly blew a couple of blood pressure gaskets but I’m not the planner I’m describing.

I’m familiar with the DISC profile of a planner:

(Psychologist William Moulton Marston's DISC emotional and behavioral theory, first published in 1928. I used another site, Personality Lingo to compare different personality systems, including DISC.)

“Core Value = Responsibility
Planners prefer hands-on gathering of information and a planned approach. The Planner personality style is organized, prepared, and dependable. Planners seek order and fairness. They crave consistency and things in their place.”
If the Planner personality style is your dominant style, you are naturally able to distinguish right from wrong. You like to keep your personal space well-tended and pay attention to details. You seek a sense of completion and enjoy crossing items off a list.” (

To a non-planner, this description doesn’t sound very exciting, does it? Of course, humans are much more than just one style or personality. We are all somewhere on a sliding scale of multiple personality styles. Our amazing vacation planner, however, is in their element. They are energized by all the details and seem to glow while accommodating changes. They listen carefully to others involved in the vacation and love to hear their dreams, values and bucket lists, always responding with warmth and enthusiasm.

That’s a good thing because planning a vacation starts with a dream, like you’ve always wanted to go to that place. It can also start because your life isn’t going the way you want it to and you think a vacation will help put you back on track so you plan a retreat or spa vacation. Sometimes it’s the people you cherish and want to see or the people you go on a trip with that’s the main driver for your vacation. I once went on a vacation to attend a conference because I love learning things. I felt alive. I believe when a vacation is planned well, that’s what happens. You all feel a sense of aliveness.

The vacation planner is the person who initiates discussions about every aspect of the vacation so they’re good communicators. I’m reminded of the role of a Board Chairperson. Unlike a Chairperson of a Board of Directors, the planner’s role is much more casual but it involves the same elements. They invite discussion, moderate pros and cons, call for more information or research, make sure everyone is respectfully heard, and referee a consensus all within a reasonable timeframe.

Their ability to navigate major issues are key to actually going on vacation. I’m not talking about the basics of who, what, when and where. Our planner is sensitive to much more than the basics and is prepared to discuss more personal matters when needed in a caring and intuitive way. Planning may involve discussions about major topics such as money, priorities, fears, and relationships:

MONEY: or lack of money. A couple may have differing money set points about how much they’re willing to spend, save or borrow. Should you or shouldn’t you charge it to your credit card?

PRIORITIES: How important is a vacation to both of you? Is one partner willing to give up a long desired purchase for a health and wellness vacation that benefits both? Is everyone on the same page about where and when to go on a vacation?

FEAR: There may be fears about the destination. Have there been reports of a crime wave or mass shootings. What about tornado/hurricane season? There may be fears in the form of phobias. Fear of flying is a common one.

RELATIONSHIPS: When visiting family, are all involved on board with you coming to visit? When you get there, do you expect to stay with family or friends in their homes? Are your children coming with you and who is expected to perform household duties like cooking and dishes? When do you, as a couple, plan to have down time together and separately?

You can easily see why many discussions form the backbone of your trip as you consider the myriad of factors. Our planners aren’t phased; they’re experienced. They take the time to consider everything they know about the upcoming vacation and know where to find out what they don’t know. They’re researchers, too, and they know the vacation will be worth the time invested.

These planners have always wanted to be planners. They naturally gravitate toward this type of work and get super excited about nailing the right travel plans for everyone involved. They even have suggestions to enjoy your trip before your trip. Here’s an example. If this planner knew I loved coffee and books, they would most likely try to find great places to go that sold books and coffee at our destination. Chris and I also love museums so our planner might scout out the exhibits at local museums. These planners also give tips on transitioning back to work and present you with a personalized book of memories made from your own photos so you can enjoy your trip for years to come.

Our mythical vacation planner is exceptional, and this post could apply to all types of planners, but what if there was such a person? What if in every profession there were people who went the extra kilometers with warmth, enthusiasm and professionalism? What if these people were like that even if they didn’t get paid for going above and beyond? What if, as part of their service to humanity, they mentored young planners who always wanted to be planners, too? This planner plans with joy knowing that’s who they are. They get paid more than the average planner because they do it with such vitality but payment is not their main motivation. They want to share their gift for planning with others because that’s the beautiful service they’re offering to humanity. In that service, they feel alive.

Can you imagine a world or even a community where there were workers, business people and professionals who were like this planner? To get there, we need to make the journey back to ourselves whenever that takes place. Some arrive at who they are over time. Others have a clearer understanding of who they’re meant to be at a young age. We all long to be who we’re born to be and it’s never too late in life to make that transition. The elixir of being fully alive is what we all want, I think, because that means we’re in alignment with ourselves and in harmony with our souls.

My mission is to show by example that at any age or stage it's possible to find and recognize your true calling, your passion by first finding and recognizing what I call your “inner genius”. Everyday, despite the world's news, traumas and life circumstances, I sit down with joy to write. This delight is palpable. If I can assist and encourage you in finding your way so you, too, can experience this profound pleasure in your purpose, I will have done my work well.

(Author’s note: Publication of Book 1 will be in 2024. If you’d like to get on the inside track with updates, news and events, join our list at

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