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Thinking About Creating our Reality

Rodin's bronze sculpture of The Thinker located at the Rodin Museum in Paris.

One of the most joyous and significant experiences in my life was visiting the Rodin Museum in Paris in my twenties. I was mesmerized by the beauty and expressive qualities Rodin was able to create in his work. The Thinker sculpture felt deep yet unresolved and is my muse for thinking about creating our reality. Many year's later, as I went deeper in my understanding of self, I recognized what that feeling was.

You've probably heard that our thoughts create our reality, but where do our thoughts come from?

…the primary functional unit is a cell called the neuron. All sensations, movements, thoughts, memories, and feelings are the result of signals that pass through neurons.

Surely not all my thoughts are creating reality. If I think the plane I'm riding in will crash, does it crash? If I think and wish with all my heart someone would just get out of my life, do they vanish? No, of course not.

What we control, and where we really start to create our reality, is in how we perceive/interpret/think about the events in our life that generate our feelings about those events, and how we subsequently respond with our behavior. No one can choose your thoughts or actions; those are yours alone.

Thinking logically, the difference between a thought, desire and wish must lie with the person. I've heard one must be in a 'flow state' or be a superb meditator to be able to think of something and then see it appear in real time. So could a person, if they are connected in a certain way with the life energy of matter, convert energy into matter instantly?

Also thinking logically, wouldn't chance or luck or randomness somehow materialize something needed and wanted as well to the occasional person? Sounds like an energy lottery, doesn't it? Perhaps it has to do with vibration. Energy is in us vibrating at a certain frequency, and the closer that frequency is to love, I've heard, the better the chances our thoughts manifest what we desire.

I believe that the creative impulse that stirs one's soul into joyful action is the method by which our desires are made manifest. It's a result of the action we choose through thinking about a desired outcome. I also believe that every choice I make and every person I know and their choices are also participating in the creation of each other's reality. Yohan John, Neuroscience PhD says,

Objectively, we can say that thoughts emerge from neural processes, and that neural processes come from everywhere. What I mean by this is that the forms and dynamics of thought are influenced by everything that has a causal connection with you, your society, and your species.

From life experience, I know that praying, wishing or thinking about something with all my heart and soul has occasionally produced a result, but sometimes not the result I was looking for. Here's an example. Growing up in homes owned by the church left me with a strong desire to have my own home one day. Becoming a realtor, I thought, was a sure fire way to own a home. I managed to own a home for a few years with my parent's help, sold it and moved provinces to be close to them in their last years, but I haven't been able to own a home since.

Thinking retrospectively, the home I'd longed for wasn't a physical home. I realized that as I was able to look at the pivotal circumstances in my life and view them as tutorials on choices and consequences, I was able to genuinely experience love for myself as I was with all my imperfections, and then connect with my soul. As I connected with my soul, that longing for home disappeared and was replaced by a solid core of safety, belonging and contentment. I found the home I longed for inside. Owning a physical home will be in my future, too.

After that connection with heart and soul, funny how the things I used to desire and want to be part of my reality are not on a list anymore. There is a sense that my desires are about being a conduit for a shared lifting up. Some call that shared lifting up 'the greater good' which seems to have been co-opted as a slogan usually followed by muttering about the far left. Understand that getting to this realization took many years of giving up control, perceiving the past differently and realizing I wasn't 'the captain of my own ship' as Carolyn Myss says.

There is an energy, previously undetected by science, that forms the basis of all things. Human perception of that energy starts with an increased awareness of beauty: people, animals, plants, ecosystems that have a high level of that energy appear particularly beautiful. By becoming aware of that energy, we become able to notice when and how we give and receive energy.

Maybe all this sounds trite or hollow to you if you're experiencing the stress of surviving and the thoughts that accompany your situation. I've been there, too. If that's where you are, gathering the energy you need to create your reality is accomplished in small steps beginning with a heartfelt request for guidance, thanksgiving for the request, and releasing any attachment to when, where, who and how you'll get an answer. Let it go.

As you continue to turn to thoughts that echo the growing light inside, a turn-around will happen. You'll begin noticing synchronicities and the energy of beauty all around you. Your life will change and so will your desires. It may take some time or it may appear instantly. I'm not any sort of guru on creating a different reality as I write this. All I know is my experience, given to you with encouragement to dig deeper, and the importance of looking inside. Your soul will always answer if you can hear it, or it will get your attention by other means.

Reality, our thoughts and the creative spark from the soul can create something of value for us and those around us. At the start of this post I wrote about my experience with Rodin's, The Thinker, recalling that as I went deeper in understanding myself, I recognized the unresolved emotion I saw in the sculpture. A thinker loves to figure things out. I also love thinking about creating my reality, but have learned, as a very patient soul showed me, that while thinking, itself, is human, the element I saw as unresolved and sculpted in all of Rodin's work was the emotive fluidity of the creative process itself. It's the stuff of life itself.

The energy we use to create is the creative process birthed from one's soul. This sculpture was originally called The Poet birthed from his artist's soul. As one notices, in the moment, what's around them something coalesces within the brain with other thoughts and an idea is born, worked on, built, measured, written about, debated and eventually produced for all to see and enjoy. It is realized. Then you recognize the evolutionary creative process you experienced as you created and the circle of life is fulfilled again and again.

The pathway to thinking about creating our reality isn't usually a straight path. Rarely do we see a linear example from thought directly to materialized object instantly in real time. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. There are stories out there of flashes of brilliance at the right time, right place quickly resulting in creations that are amazing. Perhaps you, dear reader have had that experience. I'd love to hear it! Be sure, however, when it happens to me I'll be sharing it with you!

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